Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Today has been a busy day at our house, and I'm sure at yours also.

However, I did manage to get a lot knit on my Buttoned Cowl and hope to finish it up in the next day or so.   I'll have to wait until next Tuesday to go to a craft store for 2 buttons before I can call it "done".  It's been a very fun and challenging knit.  I learned several new-to-me stitches, such as "Crossed Braid Stitch" and "Slow and Easy Cable Stitch".  I'll take another photo of the finished product - outside in the sunshine so you can see the "true" color!  

Speaking of outside - we're expecting 82 degrees tomorrow, and then staying right around 80 for another week or so.   Can't beat Arizona weather!!!

Here's a photo of the 24-hour fruit salad I spent 2 hours cutting up fruit for this afternoon.  Now, one aching back later, I'm relaxing here on the computer.  Our street gets together for holidays and all the orphans (those with no family coming) have a potluck - so we're looking forward to that.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my blogging and knitting friends out there.  I know I have so much to be thankful for and it will be a great day!

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